it has become cliché we know the once delicious alien names are only everyday not fiercesome not fiendish not promises of blood drenched daggers anymore. these names were standards rally around the flag wear the flag proudly pin-striped lapel on porch on bumper these names fail fall flat we must seek something new flavored with just the right taste of wet iron new rallying cry to gather in constructed terror behind architecture unknown shelter united deflected covered wrapped against this shiny new promise seductive new enemy more toothsome sharper and we are re focused dis- tracted bound to- gether against new pre- fabricated foe with tasty new name and we can watch mouths agape drooling fascinated seduced titillated the new-fashioned series waiting for next exciting episode while outside elsewhere plump ravenous generals masticate digest defecate small carcasses empty skulls shredded skin under a building-powdered once golden dome