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Aug 2014
We met with total innocence
Not an action between us begging repentance

I didn't know emotionally we'd grow and delve
I mean after all we were only 12

We first exchanged names and spoke of her body
This was all in the times when your girl was "Shawty"

I did not speak for months at a time
And then ran right back as if all was fine

But deep in that girl was a burning fire
Not innocent or naive she had a woman's desire

When we first truly touched there was nothing amiss
I first felt her lips with that slow gentle kiss

I knew in that moment that she'd touched me deep
This could be the first girl to know the way I used to weep

Fastforward a year and it looked like we'd never mend
That girl wouldn't give up and I just wanted it all to end

A deep dark place held me so very tight
A large black shadow blocked out all of Earth's light

And that shadow stays
So I've found a method to be happy without the Earth's rays

I've found sunlight elsewhere in that same girl
I'm still begging every day to get one more whirl

So I'll wait and I'll wait for her wall's gates to divide
And I'll keep myself right here by her side

I know not what comes tomorrow, or tonight, or in the end
All I know for sure is I'm in love with my best friend.
Written by
Joshua McLaren
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