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Aug 2014
Is as if fate placed us both
at the same time,
at the same place,
with the same hope:
To find love.

With your long,
and beautiful blonde hair,
dazzling blue eyes,
and such enchanting smile.

And as you walked closer
to I,
my knees finally
has a taste of
what an Earthquake was,
my heart raced
tremendously fast,
as if it didn't know
what stopping was,
my face red
as a rose,
as though the rose
made eternal
passionate love
to my face.
But as soon as you spoke,
I knew divinity did existed.

I knew that you were
the kind of woman
that a man
would spend an entire life
wanting to love
endlessly and unconditionally.
Jaee Derbéssy
Written by
Jaee Derbéssy  nowhere, yet everywhere.
(nowhere, yet everywhere.)   
     Ashley Lopez and R
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