I remember peace as it was, imperfect and flawed but mine to keep. Rainy days were greeted with awe, nights were adorned with harmonious sleep.
I remember the sky as it was, clouded and red but mine to keep. Hosting the dreams of the millions below a citadel for lovers dying to meet.
I remember the flowers as they were, young and naive but mine to keep. Blooming on a dead man's accord, his widow, beside, eyeing her treats.
I remember smiles as they were, corrupted and vile but mine to keep. They seem much too busy now aiding the faces in hiding their grief.
I remember freedom as it was, constrained and limited but mine to keep. Imprisoned in homes and imprisoned within self, silence wages wars on my defying speech.
I remember faith as it was, blind and delusive but mine to keep. Lost to the times and the wars of men that laughed at us, finding belief.