The smoking wreckage is where once stood our humble family home. I am the sole survivor. Everyone else is gone.
As I wander through the ruins, I spy a little shoe. It is the only thing remaining of my brother who was Two.
My family has been murdered, by your mutual hate. When slaughter is indiscriminate Peace will come too late.
The holy land? What holy land? From the river to the sea This has become the ****** land And I? A refugee.
Though genetically indistinguishable; Semites one and all. Ismael will ****** Isaac Or Ismael himself must fall.
The speaker of "Welcome to Sheol" is not identified as wither Arab or Jew. The reader is free to assign him to one or the other. The reader is also free to decide it makes no difference to the dead. this is written based on an Arab friend who refers to Israel as The ****** land"