My body is screaming Like never before Every part of me longs for her Her body pressed against mine
She would always be so warm As our hearts flow into one another So aware of each other It's such a perfect scene
My arms around her waist Hers around my neck Her hair all I can see All I care about seeing
Then I pull away for a second To get a glimps of her beautiful Eyes Nose Mouth The perfection that is her
And I am overcome with passion I desire her on a such an Unwordly level And the moment we share Is the best way to capture our Intertwining souls
I love her so much And pull her tight again To bury my head into her shoulder To burn this moment into my mind
But it's been too long Two weeks is practically eternity When you want to live that every second My body needs to feel her To fill the empty molds in my arms
I have never loved so much Felt so comfortable in another's arms But I've never been so impatient So lost Is this what it's like To miss someone?
Feel free to tell me anything you liked or disliked about how I write. I mainly write to vent but I am always open to improvement.