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Aug 2014
The door creeks,
And you meet me on the inside.
Inside me,
Kissing me,
Engulfing me,
- ******* my mind, while you're touching my soul.
The window opens,
Wind finds it's way in,
Whispering ***** words in my ear,
Makes a home in my bones,
- I am cold now.
Warm me up
A cup of coffee, a nice ****, a good book.
- I'm on the last page now.
Pages turned, chapters ended,
Time has passed and I have learned,
- I need a new story...
Fire crackles as the smoke rises
And you're rising up with it.
No longer keeping me warm from the breeze of the winter.
- I am exposed.
Legs open and ***** out, ******* hard, and **** throbbing.
- You ****** me for the last time.
Summer rays seep through the crack of the door
- And I still want you.
Written by
CJ  New York, New York
(New York, New York)   
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