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Aug 2014
Flakes fall so so slow.
The windows are fogged, I touch, they're .. cold
They're cold like my mind, like my heart, like my tears..
Tears that stain this cheek black from last nights mascara,
From last weeks tirade, from last years aguish, from my last years of pain..

Flakes fall so so slow.
They fall on my hand and melt away as quickly as they came.
Start at the edges, move to the middle, then STOP… and become water.
It becomes water on my hand that then overflows and slips through the crevasses of my palm unto the unknowing abyss like you.
You slipped through the cracks of my heart, my soul
you were my undoing, you had me . . . but you slipped.

Flakes fall so so slow.
Trees are withered and dead. no colors on their limbs and they bent under submission to the falling snow.
Like I _ I bent over backwards and forwards and sideways, jumped up and down just to make you happy.
And what did I receive? All I received was the burden of having you on my back and the so called obligation I had to you.

Flakes fall so so slow.
Like time when you're in the worst heartache of your life. it slows.
It slows to every ******* second, As if God himself was watching in slow motion just to laugh, just to say I told you so.

Flakes fall so so slow.
So ******* slow.
Painfully slow that you have no other choice but to look.
You watch as it makes the world beautiful in a matter of seconds until it gets ***** and washed away.
Like you did with me. I am washed away with the dirt you bestowed upon me.

Flakes fall so so slow.
And I am right there with it. Falling slower than ever before as I watch my life pass me by and doing nothing about it.
I am the Slowest Winter.
Written by
CJ  New York, New York
(New York, New York)   
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