Yes. I know. It is irrational for me to think like this. I poke holes, second guess and jackhammer at my own foundation. But, you see, I do care even when I come off as crass or I dishearten your image of me.
I Just Can't Stop Myself
These destructive feelings and urges towards relationships are deep rooted in a fear of abandonment. I'm a battered man. Batting below average. Yet, every chance I get I bunt or try to get hit because that's more comfortable to me Than swinging and missing.
But I do care. I really just don't know how to show it. I hold on too long to brief moments that seem to pass from memories as if I stole them. I'm just nostalgic. It's the little things that are big to me and the silly stuff that resonates profoundly.
I do understand though. The burden of my depression rests solely on my shoulders. It's not something I can brush off or roll over. I just hope that you all bear with me as I tunnel my way out of this insanity.