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Jul 2014
Have you ever felt your heart breaking?
Not just crying because somebody said no to you or something petty like that.
Have you ever literally felt your chest cave in on itself and burn with a searing pain?
Have you ever lost all control of your legs after hearing a simple sentence?
I've had my heart broken a number of times.
All equally as painful.
But this....
This is something much more.
He seems to have broken my soul.
I feel fragments of myself falling from my body.
And I know it's not just a heartbreak this time...
I think he broke me entirely.

Stupid girl.

You knew him two days.
Written by
Ruthie  Dublin, Ireland
(Dublin, Ireland)   
       Ruthie, MoVitaLuna, Kay, dreadfulmind, JWolfeB and 12 others
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