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Jul 2014
“You and me for infinity”
That was the plan
That’s what you said
You made me a promise
Then you just left

It’s not your fault
I’d never think to blame you
It was only an accident
It just didn’t claim two

I still see the lights
And I still hear the scream
I still pray at night
That it was only a dream

Maybe God isn’t listening
Or he simply doesn’t care
It really doesn’t matter
He can’t stop all the stares

“There she goes
That girl who survived”
Everyone blames me
Just for being alive

When their voices get too loud
I close my eyes and remember
That last thing you told me
That last moment together

“You and me for infinity”
That was the plan
That’s what you said
You made me a promise
Then it all turned red
Written by
   Chrissy, Avery and BG
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