Lift it to your lips & let what falls adrift in the form of ash dissolve in the wind as dried bone thrashing, bashing against dust & grit.
Pull; take a long hit. Dregs to be kept until last in the bottom of your broken lungs, taken as deep as breaths: to rattle against your teeth.
"O", takes the lewd shape of your chapped mouth as you break free from your caged-in chest, skeletons left sat, to wallow as ashen bones & yellow teeth.
Hold your knuckled joints against tenderest flesh of your upper lip & sniff, as if a try to void all signs of violent backslides to clandestine nicotine meetings.
Flick blanked eyes to lit but dying embers ground between sole & soil, & morosely swear never another, not one more; after this next one, this last one, never.