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Jul 2014
Oh!! So why do you find the word Christmas offensive?

Because it's not a festival I believe in and therefore I consider it to be an insult

I see, so if I lived in your country and said I didn't like the name of one of your festivals what would happen?

You would be punished for insulting our country and our beliefs

So perhaps you should be punished for saying what you said

No of course not, you have freedom of speech in your country so I can say what I like

You live in that big house with the expensive car on the drive don't you? You must have a very good job

I do not work, your government pays for everything I have

I see, and do you think that's right

Of course it's right

What would happen to me if I asked for the same things in your country?

You would be classed as a beggar, if you couldn't support yourself then you would have nowhere to live, that's how it should be
Joe Cole
Written by
Joe Cole  Horsham Sussex
(Horsham Sussex)   
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