Oh what will you do, if you see my shattered soul? A song with no rhythm, a thing without meaning. I wont act like i'm perfect, cause i'm not. I've know that since, I've long thrown the mask.
I'm broken, shattered to pieces Fragile memories crushed by stone little memories burned to ash. There's nothing left of me, Just misplaced shards.
The years faded like the wilting of a flower. It was so fast, i never realized it getting slower... Now that you've come back, I don't feel gravity affecting me. I'm afloat, lost in my tracks Its been a blur and you're the one i clearly see.
When you were gone, I've been a wreck. But my love for you never broke. Its the one part of me that's strong, You're all i needed to be fixed all along Faith in fate keeps me alive, that burning feeling inside. I was lost and you found me. Lost in transition and serenity.
Oh what would I do if you leave me again? No. I've been given a chance to hold on to. I'd cherish every moment, every sentence of "I Love You."