I'm the observer, an outsider to the world. I sit and watch. The small child, eyes like shinning beacons. They play silently. I cannot hear. I'm the observer. Without them I would fall into the oblivion, the dark pit of reality. This frightens me.
I'm the observer. I see her grow up, I see animalistic instincts, I see it all. I watch people pass, unwarranted and alone I sit. I cannot help feel invisible, maybe I am. My only friend a small pigeon Who seems to share my woe and disgust for the world.
People pass. I'm the observer. Nothing more and nothing less. Expressions range, each one having their own story, I can see it all. I suppose that's the burden of the observer, as an outsider to the world, lost and forgotten in a thought, a flicker, a moment. Forgotten. forgot. forget. for go. for. go.