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Jun 2014
There it is again. That sound you've known for so long but can never grow comfortable with. It's resonance is beyond anything describable in this world; by these means. You know it so well yet cannot fathom it. Years pass without your awareness of what this thing, this intrusively disturbing abomination truly is. You effortfully and excruciatingly ponder, analyze and rework your thoughts to no avail. You are virtually incapableβ€”and utterly useless.
As you stand, sit, or lie, pondering your lack of discernment, you stop in your tracks.
You realize something you never have before.
What is it?
Wrote this a while ago. Friend told me to post it:P
Nanna Harrow Haley Y
Written by
Nanna Harrow Haley Y  NoplacewhereIbelong
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