On a peaceful night just as the stars had risen and the chilled dew was beginning to form on the grass, a set of steel tracks resting atop an ordinary hill began to hum with warm vibrations as
a steam-powered engine came towards them, pulling along an assortment of goods, it came fast and came loud, breaking all of the solitude by the hill, but perhaps it was going too fast or maybe the tracks were a little wet or it may be that the train simply wanted to jump, but
just as it reached the turn atop the hill, it leaned off its path and like a rubber band; the rest followed, throwing to the air everything held inside, tumbling down the hill, splashing through the water droplets
until finally coming to a rest at the bottom, where splintered lumber and distorted steel had torn up earth to show a mound of fresh dirt, riddled with gravel and twigs, the hill became quiet once more, just as the train whispered its final gasp and the dew began to form on its wheels.
Written after Henry Taylors' poem Barbed Wire, which can be read here ----> http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/index.php?date=2001/08/04