Rippling down the stream Of many peoples consciousness An effervescent future life Stripped of this abhorrent distress
A future filled with study Free for each and every human being A world with no false borders A world with far less disagreeing
And a universal language Forged with available technology That translates in real time Enhanced with anthropology
Giving us a precise understanding Of how each other achieve solutions A pragmatic communication Circumnavigating ****** revolutions
We would calculate the earths resources And how to evenly distribute them Then we would dispose of pointless cash Like ill people dispose of phlegm
Our centralised political weasels That do far more harm than good Would be replaced by microchips Programmed to not be misunderstood
It is an interesting proposal To those with a humane conscience But to those smugly enjoying advantage I guess it is annoying nonsense
So we must wait for millions to be displaced For total world economic collapse The greedy spoilt brats will listen then Or will they continually relapse?
I am inspired by The Venus Project and Zeitgeist Movement. I am also utterly ashamed of how we act as a species to each other and our shared planet. There is hope!