the sea had never seemed so great (and here you would correct me, tell me that vast is better than great, spread your arms wide as if to communicate how right you were) as it was in that moment and i still remember the way you laughed and tackled me down to the sand i felt the brine fill my lungs, salt water dripping from my eyes like it knew it belonged there tell me i'm wrong, tell me it's a ******* shame that we never see each other anymore your smile is less prominent over telephone wires i think the laughter has left your voice please tell me you want to see me again please tell me you want to hold my hand again please tell me you miss me please tell me you miss me please tell me you miss me you drew on the beach that day, finger dragging through hot sand as you squinted over the horizon you grabbed my palm in both of yours, laid it flat against your stomach and asked if i could feel your lifeline yet (i feel it now but i can't tell you let me add that to the list, put a quarter in the jar of whatnottosaytoaloverafterthey'vestoppedlovingyou i'm sorry i never let you hold my hand it's just that i'm scared of the things that follow)