You are my dandylion and I wait with stealth of a summer day for you to stop preening in the field of high grass and green bottles. Yes. I wait, stroke you gentle with the ease of the summer breeze as you sway and waltz for the primroses and the cricket. I watch with willful patience like the ripening of the wild belladonna. as you tease with your burst of yellow for the field mouse and the garden gnome. Yes. I will wait like summers heat And when you are done, And when your pretty petals lay limply at your roots, I will take you gentle into my summers grasp and with my summers breathe blow your beautiful grey afro out unto the world to swallow. Dandylion, pretty primping boy are you.
Sahn 6/7/2014
Thank you for sharing this with me. It's always an honor. This is simply a perspective of love and the fragility of ego.