Sound of rain filling empty spaces of this cold dark room, As i sit alone, wondering if the ensuing struggle can clear the sky The night is lonely, as the clouds have hid the moon And i find myself awake as thunder spits out white lies
I stand by the window, staring at the beautiful darkness As a void slowly fills itself and quenches its thirst I feel complete, yet i can't fight the approaching nothingness And help myself from feeling isolated in this season of hurt
I can feel the fragrance of ice cold water kissing the land To be made into puddles of dirt that will dry out tomorrow This carnival of nature does something to a man Brings out the tales and forgotten passages of his sorrows
And yet i feel the pain disappear behind the shadows Detached, they slowly conquer depth of every invisible wall Eyes laid upon the shape-shifting reflections in the mirror synchronized with the bright lights, as the rain falls
I hear beyond the lurking darkness, in flashes all i see Breaking away from this world, a traveller all i want to be Roar of the gods and the cries of the slaves Out of prison, every looming thought fights to be free
Winds bring forth a message from the whispering trees As they stand alone, shivering in thunders breath Howling at the olden lanes, down pours a sea As every cross-road holds in itself a waterfall of death
And i watch every droplet fall and crash in pieces, Some make their way to the corner of my eyes As they trickle down to the edge of my lips I smile, for i know i will be alive for a while
Sweet scent of the dying moments hypnotise me As I swim blind towards the memories ocean Engulfed in a blanket of solitude and calm I let myself be shred to pieces as i walk out in the open