I have a special talent. I have the ability to taste peoples personalities. It sounds weird, I know. But this is not a fictitious writing.
It happens only on the very first interaction with someone. Only in person obviously- Not through text or the phone.
I feel it- Rather, I taste it in the first words they speak. The first time our eyes meet. And in one instance, the first hug.
I guess I don't "taste it" Its more instinctual- It almost feels like a memory. Not like I just imagine it. Its more like- When you think someone said your name when they didn't.
Sometimes people taste like the smell of rain. Some, like salt water. some, like cloth or toothpaste. On an occasion- Sweet Orange Soda.
I guess I don't know if its actually personalities I am "tasting" It just so happens that the Fellows that taste like burning rubber, or rotten cheese end up being the ones that just cant get along with me.
Its hard not to judge- When my body does it at the instant.
Maybe its all about mannerisms, and subconscious memories.
Its odd. Ill stick to my friends that taste like Mint and Orange sodas- Fruit and cake dough- Than those- who taste like moldy bread.