Quiet echoes bring the night of cricket song and firefly Masks of clouded abstract shades intercept Foaming colors take the eye to moments of shadowed dreams Crimson plumes beneath a starlit canopy Cars, like low flying jets, unaware, stay within the highway lines Footing soft on dry grass down paths not yet carved
A sphere, above mature pecan trees, appears as curtains lift igniting the eastern sky in beaconed majesty Slowly puzzle pieced mist clears and bursts of color, rainbows of dark bands announce the arrival as this evening’s lunar show begins amidst heavy sighs and mesmerized smiles
Full in splendor, basking in myth, the blue moon, distant yet touching the soul for this night is shared, beyond horizon’d glare and focused thoughts of two places, two hearts, one sky Whispers follow beams of ancient descent, quietly finding her hoping she will hear and know…for it is this moon that connects us