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May 2014
When I am having a long
and frustrating day at work
I just look for a message from you
and my day gets a little better

Never thought we would become friends
But I'm glad we did.
You're a listener when I need to vent
But just know I'm here for you too

And just to show how much a great friend you've become
I've given you a nickname.
I only do this for the people
that have become a part of my life
to the people I hope stick around for a while.

So hey Seshy?
Welcome to my crazy
hectic life
Thanks for being my friend!!!

:-D :-D :-D
**** you know who you are :-P
Fenix Flight
Written by
Fenix Flight  25/F/The Kingdom of Amythest
(25/F/The Kingdom of Amythest)   
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