Hop hopeless off the L searching for hell "works" "works" "subs" "subs" "Bars" "Bars" "Xanny Bars" The Avenue Chant Howl the diseased infected addicted **** The Avenue Chant an open drug bazaar is a beautiful thing for one playing the beautiful ***** Requiem for a Nightmare
You ask what I need knowing what I want Hop down the corner You know the best spot they got the fire I got a house to burn You ask, can I get one? I think in first person with a laugh perhaps I would give you a leg for one I see you could use it We keep walking you keep limp, limp, limping down.... Cambria Crutches clacking off the littered decaying pavement The boys are out in town (when aren't they) the block is hot (as always) I wait around the corner You do my ***** business Our ***** business Everyones ***** business You swing back, deed done, dirt in hand awwww yeahhhhh the stamp is cobra I remember this ****. mm. this **** is good The printed snake swims up and out siphoned from a tiny baby blue bag cleansing all insecurities, all fear, all humanity.
We limp along You tell me how you ended up on these streets wife kicked you out, job fired you, veterans insurance cut you. The American dream as it looks, on Kensington streets, circa2013 etc. etc. etc
I feel bad, but, not really, emotional skeleton, Numbed.
I leave you with some rocks, not much, then go off kicking rocks all the way Redrocks H>O<W long can I continue without being caught in crosstalk.
A skinny white privileged boy from the suburbs seeing his future trotting away before his eyes The everlasting haunting crouching limping creature of death A rotten old one legged ......junk Y