Recovery is such a weird word. To different people it means the same thing, but for different things. To me, recovery is for depression and anxiety To another could be for drugs To yet another alcohol and all of them are negatives that we try to make better and I've definitely recovered from where I was before but, I'm not fully recovered. I'm still getting my **** together I'm still having bad I want to **** myself days I'm still fighting the urge to cut I'm still unable to cope but I'm still trying I guess trying, is tiring, but worth it, right? I don't like change, and darkness was so comforting I felt terrible for so long, but it was all I could remember Now, I'm recovering recovering who I was although sometimes it feels like I'm losing who I am whatever, thats not the point my point is messing up is okay relapsing is okay and one day, I will be okay