Have you ever felt this weird sensation of happiness ? When it does rain, I feel it. I hear it. I watch it. The sound of the rain is a peaceful noise, rare and fragile. Its fragility make it beautiful and mostly essential.
In my bed, alone, I feel alive when there's a storm. I feel protected. I feel this unexplainable feeling: I love the rain for that. It is, for sure, the only element That can make me peacefully smile.
That kind of people are called : ombrophiles Like the rain forests, or plants that need rain to survive. In that case, I'm a rain forest or an ombrophile. My happiness survives thanks to the sound of the rain
I love its sounds but I hate being under I can't handle being wet, being vulnerable. But still, in my bed, a storm is my best dream. I don't know what's yours but I hope it makes you happy as much as rain does for me.