Do you know me? I know you You are the same stuck-up person you’ve always been You think you’re perfect, Always right and better than everybody else You might not think you think that But you do
You think you can never slip up But if you do, you’re still perfect You try to make everything about you Even when you know it’s not
You say bad things about people To make yourself look good And you have no idea How many hearts you’re hurting
So how much do you know about me? I doubt it’s very much You know nothing So I’m going to help you out
You know those things that you do and expect me to do but I don’t It’s not because I’m rebellious But because it’s hard You have no idea how hard it is for me
You have no idea that I cry myself to sleep every night Thinking about what you said to me How you treated me What you did to me
You have no idea who I am, or what I’m like Because I never get my thoughts around Whenever I’m angry, or have a problem I’m forced to hold back my words, because I have to behave
So after all that After everything I told you Do you know me like I know you? No. You don’t
That one person in your life who thinks they know everything about you. Who thinks they are better than everybody else. Who treats you like dirt and doesn't even know it. But you have to deal with them because they are in your life for good.