Be careful little tongue how you dance I know the music moves you it moves us all the same the tide waltzes in and out to the song of a specter orb but you must be both moon and ocean for the heart is far too often eclipsed and is given to mixed meter fiddles are superfluous these days and find themselves in the hands of any drunken stranger there are melodies for every key of sorrow and vulgarity any bar hand will serenade fix your ear to the tune that rises like an eastern sun above the muddled herds you will hear it first and then you will sing then realize you were singing it all along dance to the rhythms of the right path resounding ever in your hands and in the souls of your feet
be careful little tongue how you dance you cannot retract a child ideas are born with every dip and twist every curtsy gives them name each one will grow each one will know its mother do not let your words be ******* the product of fiddlers and moonshine be sober and sure footed kiss each of your children goodbye their fruit will come to be your fate you will shape their taste for dancers I have seen armies of children lead open faced rebellion and sever the ties between their mother and her friends listen for that beating in your palms and tired feet dance with care little tongue there is no ballet so dangerous or beautiful as speech