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Apr 2014
Four Stories
Knew a man, name was Jack,
sure did smoke lots of crack.
As his teeth began to rot,
doctors discovered a brain clot.
When he died, no one did care,
just a story, I had to share.
Knew a girl, name was Beth,
all she did, was smoke ****.
Brain fried couldn't talk,
had to crawl, couldn't walk.
On the day, that she did die,
not one person, started to cry.
Knew a boy, name was Harrison,
sure did shoot, lots of ******.
Dozing off now and again,
always missing his **** vein.
People knew he'd die soon,
veins popped just like a balloon.
Know a man, name is Reid,
all he does is smoke too much ****.
smoked bowls, joints and a ****,
banging his chest like King Kong.
he is here, as I speak,
we're getting ****** and feeling weak.
Allen Wilbert
Written by
Allen Wilbert  florida
   Hayleigh, James Jarrett, --- and Emily
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