Kiss each autumnal day; Savor it. Feel it's cold raw breath on your chapped lips, It's windy embrace tangling your hair and Twining around your fingers, Begging you to stay and twirl and dance In a field of dying grass; Taste it, like ginger and peppermint tea Left sitting on the edge of the worn wooden steps Overnight, gathering the taste of frost and moist earth And the peculiar scent of red-yellow leaves With their brown edges rotting away into nothing; Sense it, like the geese and the blackbirds Just know to be carried away to warmer air, Like the small animals just know that it's time To stay deep underground, buried beneath the Soft white blankets of snow; See it in the skeleton branches and Damp yellowish grass and iron grey clouds, Watch the trees drop their leaves And the crows sit like silhouettes in the tops of the oaks; Hear it in the soft breezes and cold, whistling winds and Dry, rustling grass and shrill birds, trying to find warmth; And taste and smell and feel and hear and sense and savor The grey-silver rain that drops from the heavy-bellied, Purple bruised clouds and breaks against your chilled skin And dews in sparkling diamonds on your eyelashes And slips between trembling lips and Runs in streams and rivulets down your spine and into the Hollow of your neck and across your wrists and in Little waterfalls from your fingers and chin and nose As it washes away the stains and scars of life And rinses your mind clear and focused and You open your eyes and through the Blurry sheets of rain, the street lights are dimmed and The ground glistens and the only sound is the Drumming of raindrops and the Thrumming of life in your soul.