These subcategories of articles That separate theory from fact Are lines that, really, Are quite unclearly drawn. Categories for theory and qualia That put me under the impression That everything is based on a conjecture And it's all in my head. Qualia is defined as being subject To your sense perceptions Brought on by stimulation of phenomena. Theory is a system of ideas used To explain something. But don't we theorize everything, Based on our qualia? If we perceive that a rose is red, And we theorize that this type of rose Will always be red because we will always see it red, Does that really make it red? Is my red your green, And you only call it red because to you need to call it something? Or is that just our theory that to be comfortable Is to fit in and be accepted by everyone? And that to challenge what is called fact Is to be rejected? Where do we draw the line In these thickly worded and sinking articles? Is it where we can finally say that Everything is based on theory that our qualia subjects us to? If so, am I under the correct theory that I really am alone? That my sense perceptions just play tricks on me So I don't think to hard, or go insane? Is insanity just theory based on qualia? Or maybe I should be under the theory That being a thinker like this Subjects me to the unpleasant qualia of a perceived headache.