The creek out to our cottage was right out our front door...
The boats were docked on down the line with fishermen galore...
Motor boat, motor boat putt, putting down the line...
I know you thought you were quiet but I could hear you just fine...
I'd lay in bed and listen, to the fishermen in the boat...
They would talk and laugh and sometimes tell a joke...
I was just a little girl wishing I was going with them...
But dad was at work, so there was no way I'd just have to wait for that special day...
So I'd dream of the time when I could jump in that boat.
with my fishing pole always ready had a bobber ready to float...
by ~ judy
The smell of the gasoline from the engines of the motor boat was oddly comforting to me...I guess it was the smell and the purring of the putt putt engines...a memory...