Head up, stay strong, fake a smile, move on, they always said, No one will see a broken spirit.
They were wrong.
Your eyes saw past it all.
The way your eyes loved my soul wasn't in vain or vanity. They didn't see the complex masks or the pounds of makeup -- Your eyes saw me in all my simplicity. You dove into the darkness of my eyes and found this small broken light -- some strange thing you called a *soul. Your eyes loved that shattered light -- they held it with kind words and soothing embraces.
I felt like The Golden Girl turned inside out: a face comprised of dullness and imperfection, a soul of great beauty and grace. With words, smiles, and touch, you convinced me to stay in my skin, but for once in my insipid life, my soul felt alive and bright. No longer would I battle the darkness, no longer would I be afraid of the monsters inside. Your eyes struck the match that ignited my soul again.