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Mar 2014
So many hurting people
Every where I look.
They glorify their cover
But I can read them like a book.

Pages of sin, hardened hearts,
Friendships tearing apart.
More pain than one can ever bear,
Smile in place, pretend not to care.

Wipe a tear and lend an ear,
Is all that I can do.
Want to change their song and dance,
Wish I could change their circumstance.

The pages of my story,
Loathsome with no glory,
Reads much the same as all theirs.
Will I lift the cover, pages bare?

Let them see they’re not alone,
I can not cast a stone.
Show them how the pages change
When Christ begins to rearrange.

Clean pages, neatly written
Follow nothing hidden.
Circumstances still the same,
He changes the meaning of pain.

Now a story with purpose,
When from sin He turns us.
Pain still there, it hurts the same
But now being used for my gain.
Too many people judge books by their covers... Too many people hide behind the covers of their "books"
Sharon Carpenter
Written by
Sharon Carpenter
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