i'm in love with the way you flip a lucky cigarette every time you open a fresh pack, cause i know you'll always smoke it last and i count each one as you put them out
i want to be your twentieth cigarette,
i want you to shake when you see me standing all alone at the tip of your fingers, i want you to rush to inhale me but force yourself to savor me cause i'm the only one, after i'm gone you have no one
i'm in love with the way you rush through nineteen, sorry cigarettes just to smoke the twentieth twenty separate times,
oh you take a drag and let it linger on the tip of your tongue, you put it out, brush it off, tuck it away, keep it safe, you know you'll want it again
like you can't get enough of number twenty,
and i know in the back of my head that it isn't because it's lucky, it's just because it's all that's left
but i wanna be your number twenty
even when there
before me
i want to be the one you pick out of the crowd just to flip my world upside down and call me special
and i want you to hurry through the rest to make it back to me