I asked myself, why am I proud of being a Human being? For a while I didn't know I could only think of all the wrong I'm seeing painted in blood on the ivory snow.
I thought to myself, humans are weak and afraid of the truth, we hurt others to appease ourselves. People use lies in place of solid proof, for golden trophy's placed on their shelves.
I watched as people laughed and hurt one another for something as invaluable as fame. And as I did I felt guilty to be apart of a race put to shame.
I watched as bravery was described as a man behind a gun killing in the name of "peace" I saw people hating and judging for fun because that was what looked good at the time.
I saw death on the news, in the papers, on the streets and cried as the blood was spilled I watched people fighting one another for a position so irrelevant being filled.
I watched gangs go to war because he's black and he's white I saw people excluding one another because she prefers dark while she prefers light.
But when I flipped to the next page I saw that they held out their hand to people in need They gave their knowledge to those who didn't understand and take in those that they feed.
I saw a smile in the crowd when hope was not in sight and I saw a warring man put down his gun in that fight.
I watched them build a neighbor's house when the going got tough I saw them lend a shoulder when the days got to rough.
I saw another man preach when we needed a change and I saw another one accept when the other was strange.