Light beckons a welcoMe in my Soul It doesn't care for my Past Doesn't care I'm not whole It yearns to find rOot Yearns to grow Like a tree from the Garden Of Eden old
It waits in Silence Waits to uphold The dark corners of my very Soul Time desert its wait in vain Its wait to flourish drenched by my Pain
Yet deep within me lies The room in my Soul occupied By the Darkness from where No Stars nor moon shines But the Sound of Silence To no surprise
And Light pause for a moment Unsure to know If its Ray will reflect Through my eyes from my Soul It illuminate itself Without any help It radiates GoLd Like a Legend once told
As Darkness awake Just in time to behold That like a candle Light flickers and slowly unfold It struggles to flame Flame unsettled and in vain TO rescue me From the Darkness I've gained
And it(darkness) worries not And it troubles none For the war against Light Have alReady been won.....
Dear Frederick: "Behold the consequence of your choice Be aware that your Soul Desires rejoice If not for your Past Then rethink for your Future:
Will Light be yours?" ---X---
No one should take this Poem for granted-i have....