I walked in the Rain Trying to make sense of my Heartache, And as another drop runs down my cheek I'm not sure if it fell from Heaven Or from inside of me.
The sky cries Tears upon us all, But when one tries To distinguish their fall Remember your tears aren't alone to call, both tears mix, to bring new Hope evermore
I looked up to the night sky With my Soul starTing to siGh, Lookin for the bright Midnight star To wish upon,to touch my Soul- Yet its Light shone from up afar
The Stars shine Up in Heavens hold To keep all wishes since the dawn of Time To shine within a lost Soul To guide thrOugh Darkness To come Home someday,BlesSed and whole
I saW a cloud drifting by As I focused my eyes towards, And not certain,a vision derIved Of a Unicorn way up high Drifting careFrEe against a blue Sky.
Clouds are envisioned By what the Heart wants to see, By the prayer of the Soul They are formed effortesly, To bring Dreams unto You and unto me To remind you Life is also what you Believe....