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Nov 2013
I sit here at the bottom
and yet no one knows
Who is to reach down?
Am I afraid
or ashamed?
I don't want your help
too proud
and hard headed
to save me from myself
focusing my energy
on what is inferior
instead on every single thing
that makes life superior
I can act
I can laugh
and in fact be that man
you only see that half
as I stand unabashed
Refusing to change
but I want to evolve
Let me do it my way
with my own resolve
as society steps backwards
towards Neanderthals
I wish to destroy this
I wish it to fall
I don't want compromise
to be the way this is solved.
Jeremy Bean
Written by
Jeremy Bean  M/Detroit, Michigan
(M/Detroit, Michigan)   
   Tammy M Darby, Rose, me gs, -, --- and 2 others
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