I wish I could go back, just one more day, To Dec 31st 2020, before you slipped away. I wish I could hold you tight, As on the next morning, you lost your light.
I wish I could hear your scold, one more day, 'Cause now our home's almost silent all day. I know you are watching us from heaven, Everyone forgot, but I still remember youΒ Β 24/7.
I wish I could apologize for that fight, Which you & I had for TV, that last night. Now, I hold regret in every breath I take, Wishing for one moment I can't remake.
This poem is for my grandma who is no more and I still regret that I fought with her when she wanted to watch her religious programme on her last night but I just refused to give her and told her she can watch it tomorrow on repeat telecast but there was no tomorrow for herπ₯Ί