Soothing hue, tranquil blue. A scene serene in testament to you. I thank it, this blanket hung soft in the sky, and drift on the breeze, the mute lullaby. We are children of stars, all of us each, if you look way back far beyond memory's reach. Past fire and lightning, spirit and beast, our atoms return, and stars we complete.
Look to the sky, our bubble of blue. A window our parent forever feeds through. A gentle notion, and grace in a descending motion so subtle we feel only a warmth on our face as we float in a breathable ocean.
A mirror perhaps it holds above and paints in clouds the world with spires and cities and oceans and shifts so subtle in ways unseen so we won't forget the nature of where we've been.
For though the world seems still and quiet it shifts and it's easy to pass by it, as we focus on each little thing there's a joy that it brings, our Ozone, in its patterns of premature recognitions shapes that are born in a state of remission and only those who are readily staring see that the earth is patient and caring.