Fill the room temperature of my lungs with your kiss's breath – room temperature wine; compared to your lipstick, and a fine silken complimented red dress. My compliments to the night, two bodies twinned into each other, close to the hip’s side. We started off a feast of sides; you took a piece of my heart – served on a platter. And by your worth, you must cry diamond tears that cut your face; I tasted all of your scars.
In the dark, we kiss in the warmth of our love, that it grows a spark – the elephant in the room; how could I ever forget what you always meant to me! You split my lips; opening myself to you as I told you the deeper parts of my story – we are at the same level of building this close connection, waiting on this storey.
You murdered my soul; killing parts of my time just to spend it all on you – piercing me into silence from my core; the cause of you smothering me in the heat of love. Nay, I dropped onto my feet galloping after your love, crying after it in a whinnying neigh.