There is a TRAIL OF HAPPINESS, and A PATHWAY LEADING to SADNESS ROAD!!! A JOURNEY OF EMOTIONS up AHEAD are UNTOLD, on your JOURNEY, JUST WATCH as they UNFOLD, when you get to them, just be COURAGEOUS AND BOLD!!! These are JUST TRIALS, for they WON'T LAST LONG, Continue your JOURNEY and in THEM BE STRONG!!! It is your time, for a TRANSFORMATION, Learn from yourself, this is your CONFORMATION, TIE-A-KNOT and HANG ON, The ROADS WILL BE ROUGH, but YOU ARE A 🥊 FIGHTER 🥊, BE STEADFAST, DETERMINED and TOUGH!!! Don't let 🚫 NO DETOURS!!! 🚫 TURN YOU AROUND, PUSH THROUGH THESE EMOTIONS and STAND YOUR GROUND!!!, at the END OF THIS JOURNEY, YOU WILL CERTAINLY KNOW, You have CONQUERED AND DEFEATED, them, and from THIS WILL 🌴 GROW 🌴!!!!