Procrastination, it may seem splendid, But it’s a time thief yet to be apprehended.
Considered still out there ruining lives, It can infect anyone even husbands or wives.
Leaving a trail of victims in its wake, Its not your fault nor your mistake.
And its like any other virus that makes you sick, Its ok the side effects are you’ll be slow not quick.
If you are confronted by procrastination, Let us know your immediate location.
And proceed with extreme caution & stay a distance, And if it gets you just let it, don’t put up a resistance.
Do not try to capture it nor negotiate, By then it will have you & it will be too late.
Treat it nice, like a friend not a stranger, As it is considered armed & comes with danger.
If you are affected, please email:, And we will get to you when we feel like it, after all it’s not like it’s a bomb.