Whisk me away, my love. To lands of enchantment, With streams of milk and honey Flowing past trees as tall as castles. This lifeless place is nothing like the realms I wish to visit with you. I am in need of saving, Like a damsel in a high tower, I am trapped in a dull world.
Oh, whisk me away, my love. To a cottage in the woods, And let me sew in a rocking chair While you carve me a small trinket. As we sit by the fire together, I will think about the place I am now. I am in need of saving, Like a grandmother stumbling. I am unsteady on my feet.
Please, whisk me away, my love. To safety and comfort. A quiet apartment is all I ask, With warm tea and warmer hugs. Watch the sunrise with me, As we watch TV with the dog. No longer in need of saving, Like a feral cat with a forever home. No longer scared for tomorrow.