Can’t I be free? Can’t I speak to my “president” and tell him to please, please, free me? Mr. President, what do you wish for me to do? Mr. President, what do you want to tell me? Mr. President, I never did anything to you, right? Mr. President, you are not my president. You are not my ******* president, got it? You won't be. Ever. Try as you might to take over my country, and try as you might to take over my body, you will never have power over my mind. I'm banned from sports but I'll still watch. From the sidelines I'll be watching yearning to play. Hope you know I wish for your demise every night. I wish for everything you stand for to crumble. So you’ll be right on my level, and I can say to you, “You are not my president, Mr. President, sir.” Even though I still can’t vote, I know whose side I’m on. So sign that order, Mr. President, ‘cause soon I’ll be there to spit on it. What have you got other than a pen? Money can burn.