god of sleep three days and I've not received your touch tortured and plagued by monsters of the night I pray to you
please god take me by the hand into your domain embrace me and hold me in your ***** take away these thoughts and perversions of life as life is hell, this we already live it
god of sleep carry me to the shores I adore you are salvation from a life I abhor and so this temporary death, I beg for
for you oh! god I will take whatever drug for you oh! god I will turn into a street ****
as every time I seek your touch, oh! god it may be my last yet, not a care for whatever pay for your presence to stay
oh! lord, let not the darkness fall once more without your kiss merciful and loving god, from a tempest blow in the distance, your chariot closes in as it grows
closer yet you deal a smile upon me my head falls into your abyss spinning again, until the last time