I come from Kashmir where land is green & white snow bed and I come from Kashmir where roads aren’t black but are red.
I come from Kashmir where Daughter Tajamul brought Gold and I come from Kashmir where daughter Nafiya craves for her father’s body and lost his soul.
I come from Kashmir where journalists get Peter Mackler & Pulitzer awards and yet I come from Kashmir where journalists get charged under UAPA as a reward.
I come from Kashmir where Thekedar gets benefits under the Roshni Act and I come from Kashmir where an internet shutdown of 551 days was for every sect.
I come from Kashmir where Gupta g ranked 1st in the country and yet I come from Kashmir where youth have to carry ID’s to prove their identity.
I come from Kashmir which was known for its cultural dress Pheran and I come from Kashmir which now has more business in selling Kaffan.
I come from Kashmir which Allama called the valley of braves and I come from Kashmir which now is the valley of Graves.
I come from Kashmir which was called Earth’s Heaven and yet I come from Kashmir which now is the World’s Biggest Prison.
I come from Kashmir where Chinars paint the autumn gold and I come from Kashmir where every spring, new tombstones unfold.
I come from Kashmir where Dal Lake mirrors the moon’s glow and I come from Kashmir where blood taints the rivers’ flow.
I come from Kashmir where children dream of books and play and I come from Kashmir where childhoods vanish in smoke and clay.
I come from Kashmir where lovers once whispered in gardens wide and yet I come from Kashmir where silence now walks side by side.
I come from Kashmir where poets wrote of love and fate and yet I come from Kashmir where verses now carry only weight.
I come from Kashmir which history books fail to define and I come from Kashmir which lives between the headlines’ lines.
A voice from Kashmir—serene on the surface, deep with unspoken stories.