Soothe me Within the Rose Stillness Of your Love with your Sweet Beautys Rain and Harmonica hums
Soothe me through all the pain Until Our Love blooms forever gardens, Roses irises sunflowers sighing With our love Blushing with your exotic beauty
Steady the Shivers like Moonlight Upon the Salsa waves dreaming To luminous shore, And You are my Sweet Sultry dove
Soothe me to the first honeysuckle blush And infinite rose sighs of your love My Sultry dove
Ah let me adore your Unique beauty When all the revelers have drifted Like clouds And Let our love kiss sweetly more than honey WithIn
Let Us Feel your Beauty like a Salsa rose sway like the Exotic Vineyards of May
Soothe me Sweetly the way only Your Unique beauty and Exquisite love can Soothe like Roses within Sighs our rose golden moon Sweet within Midnight skies
Soothe me beyond the blue to Our loves infinite honeymoons,
Soothe me my Sultry dove Within the Candle Stillness of Your love Were neither above or below one another Were deeply sweetly Within,
Soothe me to our heavenly and exotic Flowers that sigh with moonlit serenades To bloom and lovingly sway
Soothe me through the clouds With the sweet rain of our loves kisses That robes like golden sunshine And rose moonlight your Sweet beauty
Light the Candles within the Crescent hours Youll be feeling like the Summer flowers In the deep sweet breeze
Soothe me to the infinite gardens of your love Soothe me within the heavenly vineyards Of our love my Sultry dove Soothe me through the Shivers Like our love is the moonlight For the salsa waves dreaming Themselves to Shore,
Soothe me cool and soothe me warm Soothe me Whole Within the Candle Stillness of Your Love my Exotic Sultry dove, Its always been you With the Stars and Moon Ive always loved And Adore